Some Examples » 33. Layout animation

33. Layout animation

Give a motion element a layout property and it will automatically animate when its position (or size) changes.

Code component

The motion.divs are in a grid, which defines their actual position. What makes them change position is the fact that their keys are changed.

The code inside useEffect() runs every time the items array (provided by useCycle()) changes,… which will be every second because that’s when the setTimeout() inside it calls setItems() again.

const itemsA = [1, 2, 3, 4]
const itemsB = [3, 1, 4, 2]
const itemsC = [4, 3, 2, 1]
const itemsD = [2, 4, 1, 3]

const colors = ["#f44", "#3f0", "#fb0", "#0ef"]

export default function CC_33_Layout_animation(props) {
    const [items, setItems] = useCycle(itemsA, itemsB, itemsC, itemsD)

    useEffect(() => {
        setTimeout(() => setItems(), 1000)
    }, [items])

    return (
                    display: "grid",
                    gridTemplateColumns: "auto auto",
                    gridGap: 10,
                { => (
                            width: 75,
                            height: 75,
                            borderRadius: 20,
                            backgroundColor: colors[item - 1],
                            type: "spring",
                            stiffness: 350,
                            damping: 25,

Code overrides

const positions = [
    { top: 0, left: 0 },
    { top: 0, left: 85 },
    { top: 85, left: 85 },
    { top: 85, left: 0 },

const useStore = createStore({ position: 0 })

export function Container(Component): ComponentType {
    return (props) => {
        const [store, setStore] = useStore()

        useEffect(() => {
            setTimeout(() => setStore({ position: store.position + 1 }), 1000)
        }, [store])

        return <Component {...props} />

export function Squares(Component): ComponentType {
    return (props) => {
        const { style, name, } = props

        const [store, setStore] = useStore()

        return (
                    type: "spring",
                    stiffness: 350,
                    damping: 25,
                    top: positions[(store.position + Number(name)) % 4].top,
                    left: positions[(store.position + Number(name)) % 4].left,

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